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Friday, May 30, 2008

RunCom #120: The BEST of the 48 Hour Film Project DC

Running Commentary #120

I talk about the "Best of" screening for the Washington D.C. 48 Hour Film Project and why I hate parking in the city


JD said...

I am so sorry about the parking ticket. That is awful.

Sorry about your film being shut out.
I have seen Barry's film and Joy was excellent in that one. Would like to see your film though.

Bill said...

Thanks for the shout-out about our film, "All Roads Lead Away." I really got a kick out of "Invisible Werewolf" -- very creative way to tackle what could have been an expensive undertaking. (Any plans for online posting?) Wish I'd had more of a chance to formally introduce myself last night, but things were pretty busy. And hey, we got shut out too, so I know how you feel.

(Come to think of it, I've gotten those #$&^#%$ing $100 tickets as well...)